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Orchid Realty

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Logios Depok
The Logios Depok Apartment has a unique name "logios" which comes from Greek with the literal meaning "scholar". With the meaning of this name itself, this apartment was built and developed to provide comfortable accommodation options for students studying in the Depok area. If you or a family member is studying at the University of Indonesia, this apartment is very suitable because it is very close to the famous universities in Indonesia. With a distance of only 150 meters from the University of Indonesia's New Gate from The Logios Depok Apartment, which will be built via UI and RIK Hospital, UI students, lecturers or employees who will go to campus or University of Indonesia Hospital can easily reach this apartment. Established on an area of ??8,149 square meters on Jl. Pertamina, Margonda Raya, this apartment has 3 towers with 1,812 units. 3 Logios Depok Apartment towers are 2 apartment towers, Tower J and Tower M, along with 1 tower to be used as a hotel, Hotel Horison. For the type of unit offered by this apartment there are 3 types that you can choose, namely Type Studio, 1BR and 2BR. Not only apartments, here you can also get star hotel services with Hotel Horison operators, and the availability of exclusive units for women on wings tower J. The Logios Depok Apartment Developer is Waskita Realty who has been famous for its track record and reputation in the property sector. The developer chose Depok City as the new target market to capture the opportunity for a large population movement commuting from Depok to Jakarta. The development of vertical housing that has a strategic location in the city of Depok aims at the middle class market with a development concept aimed at people with high mobility. This is supported by the ease of access to mass transportation, including KRL stations, bus terminals, and toll roads. For internal facilities of The Logios Depok Apartment, you can find Logios Mosque, Ballroom, Meeting Room, Co-working Space, Coffee Shop, Library Cafe, Food Junction, Mini Mart, Gym, Laundry, Mini Movie Theater, Sky Garden, CCTV 24 hours , Installation of Cable TV Network & Internet, elevator access cards per floor, and shuttle bus services to UI, Gunadarma and Margo City for free.